martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

My dream job (Post 5)

 When I decided to study architecture it was because I always dreamed about helping people having the house they deserve, specially to my grandfather. Now that I have the posibility to do what I've always dreamed, I will fight to work on building houses to those people who need them. 

I imagine my job like a program that was called "Extreme makeover: Home edition", basicaly it was about a group of friends who travel around the United States giving families their dream houses, with all the details they need. That's how I always imagine my job, desining houses for those who need them around the country or maybe around the globe, if I have the resources. If I can't travel, I would like to create an architecture studio focused on helping people and giving them all they need. 

I'm in my first year of my career so I am starting in this area, but I would like to focus on the anti-seismic architecture because I have a phobia of earthquakes so I think that learning about that area would make me feel safe. Another reason is because I want to give a safe place to people I would help.

And that's it, I will help people by giving them a safe house to live.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020

A better green life (Post 4)

 Some people think that global warming is just one more lie from the politicians to scare us, but they are wrong, and if we don't take this problem seriosly, everything we know will be over. 

Recycling is not my strongest attribute, but I try to do my best. When I first heard about the three R's rules, I was in first grade. In those times, there was a club called Green Team in my school and it was in charge to teach to other girls how to recycle and how we can help our planet earth. I was glad to know more about how we can care for the enviroment.  

Day by day I try to recycle everything, I reuse plastic cups and turn them in to pencil holders (I have about seven pencil holders made up from cups). Another thing that I try to do every day is to separate the trash into cans, paper, tetra pack, etc. It's dificult to remember to separate all the trash but I try to do it all the time. Before the pandemic, I used to go everywhere on my bike (near my house) or I used my legs instead.

The only "organization" I have joined is the Green Team in my school, now that I think about it, it wasn't an organization, but we cared about the enviroment. Now, I try to support any eco-organization I can, but I would like to join one of them. Also, I would like to do more things to reduce my carbon footprint, such as trying to buy second hand clothes or try to reuse more things instead of buying them.

I think that the main problem are all those companies that pollute while they are making their products, but in Santiago one of the most important problems are the cars and all the CO2 that they emit, we have to try not to use that much.

My favorite cartoon (Post 3)

It was 2007 when I turn on the television and saw the first episode of the cartoon that will chance my childhood. This cartoon is "Phin...