martes, 20 de octubre de 2020

Memory Music (Post 2)

Since I can recall, music had an important role in my life, not only for dancing or singing, it goes beyond all the basic things. Through out the melody I can revive magic moments, sad moments or any type of memories... it's fantastic! But I have two songs that make me feel that I'm in that place, at that specific moment when it happened.

The first song is "Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. The song was released on September 20th, 2011, but the boom of the song reached 2012 and more. It was 2012 when my parents told us that we were moving to another country, you could imagine what country was she talking about. It was May or June maybe, I don't remember, but something that I'm really sure is that it was the last day of fourth grade and the last day for me to be in that school. So that Friday my friends organized a farewell party for me and they invited all the class to the party. When the party started the first song they played was Call me Maybe, because it was the song of the moment. I remember perfectly well all the things that happened on those 4 minutes that the song lasted. That day was one of the happiest days on my life. Every time I hear that song, I transport myself to that day, when I saw all my classmates together for the last time. It is a good memory.

The second song is "Paseo en Trineo" by Tatiana. This christmas song is like a gate to my childhood, it takes me to December, 2009. In my old school they organized a Christmas Show for the family and friends. On that show every class had to dance a song that they wanted with the steps that they had invented. That year we decided to dance this song. Every time I hear this song, I remember those shows and the christmas atmosphere that was in the air. Those shows meant that christmas day was near, in children words, all the christmas presents were near and also Santa Claus was near. Everything was good.

Now I think about it, choosing those two songs took me like 2 hours. It wasn't an easy job.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

A Country I would like to visit (Post 1)

If someone tells me rigth now that if I win a ticket to fly with all my family to any part of the world, without a doubt I'll choose MY country... El Salvador. Why? The answer is simple, because my family and my roots are there, all my memories are there. I love my country, it is the most beautiful piece of earth, it has majestic rivers, peaceful lakes, purple and gold skies and the most crystalline water. But one of the most importan things is the food. The typical food is the pupusa, but Dany, what it is a pupusa? A pupusa is like a tortilla made of corn flour and mada out of with beans, cheese and pork, but you can filled them with anything you want! You can eat them at any hour of the day, you can eat them for breakfast, lunch or dinner, they're delicious.

If I could close my eyes and magicaly teletransport to El Salvador, I would do many things. I dream on going to the beach with my grandparents, my cousins and my aunts. I often dream that I'm in the warm black sand, with my swimsuit, an umbrella and the sound of the waves. Another thing that I woukd like to do is making a trip around all the small towns and hear about their history.

I really want to go back to my country, I've dreamt the day to return with may family and make sure to retrieve all the time I've lost all these years. I would like to live again in my home with all the the things I have, all the memories and the perfume of the trees. 

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020

Skills and Weakness

 Hi, my name is Daniela Núñez. I think my most important weakness in english is SPEAKING. I could know all the words and what they mean, but when I talk, my tongue gets stuck and no one knows what I am saying. If I have to talk abaut one skill, I'll choose the listening (of course is not writing). I understand perfectly what people talks, and I know about the topic of the conversation. This skill save me from failure in english test when I was in school.  

My favorite cartoon (Post 3)

It was 2007 when I turn on the television and saw the first episode of the cartoon that will chance my childhood. This cartoon is "Phin...